Day 3: Factory Re-Shoot

The day of re-shooting has finally come!!

As the day was approaching, I could not dread it more, stressing about every detail of it and planning it thoroughly... This time, I decided to use less actors and meet earlier at West Croydon Bus Station, so we can all take a faster bus (405) to Redhill.

However, my luck with Redhill failed me again, as the bus stopped in the middle of the journey, due to a car accident and I had no other choice than to pay for an Uber again ... *insert sounds of my debit card crying*

After getting an Uber to the train station in Redhill, we began our long journey again to Redhill, taking the same route as last time, since it was the quickest way and there was a smaller chance of anyone getting lost... Once we got there, we split into groups, in order to get all the work done before it got too dark and so we can be back by 6 - photographers, cinematographers, runners and actors (and me - all of the above).

We filmed all scenes in order of the storyboard, following the shot log I had made for that day without any difficulties, and used phone flash lights and a fire to light up the scenes once it was too dark to shoot.

As we used most of the smoke grenades last time, I asked one of the cast members to make more flares and made sure everyone rehearsed the scenes enough times before we used the flares and the two remaining smoke grenades, as our resources were limited - and it worked out perfectly - there were none left at the end, and we managed to only waste one flare at the beginning!

After wrapping up, we got all of our equipment, put the fire out and left the factory by 4:30, just as it got dark. Overall, I am pleased with that day, the footage looks good and most of all, I am relieved that we don't have to go back for another re-shoot!

Production is over!! Now it's time for the next step - Post-Production!!

The Call sheet of the day:


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