Photoshop and Illustrator Task

After learning to work with illustrator prior to year 13, we had a few tasks to practice our newfound skill. First, we had to construct Mickey Mouse and make up our own version of his logo. After finishing the task, I experimented with textures and produced the second image.

The next task was to create a magazine spread about a media topic of choice, which I made using photoshop, and a TV show poster, for which I used Illustrator:
For this magazine spread, I researched into the topic I wanted to write about, wrote the article, and split it into sections, accompanied by illustrations to support my view.

The TV show I chose to make a poster for is Arrow. For this poster, I drew the three separate images on paper, so I have and overlayed them until I reached the effect I wanted. After that, I drew the suit image freehand on illustrator, and scanned and traced the other two in illustrator. 
First Sketch Drawing of the body
First Sketch Drawing of the main image
After outlining them, I added colour.

At the end, I added bruises to the body and combined the images together


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