Target Audience Research

The method I chose to conduct my target audience research is a questionnaire, as I thought it was the easiest way to get as much feedback as possible. I collected answers from my classmates, people at my dance team and my dance teacher, in order to get a big range of answers. Towards the end, I didn't have enough questionnaires, so I had to ask people to fill out the same sheet in a different colour.

The questionnaire had 12 questions (out of which 9 were multiple choice and 3 were open answer) that focused on finding patterns in the preferences of the age group I decided to target. This is the questionnaire I designed and gave out:

The answers to the first two questions solely depended on who I asked to completionnaire - the most popular age group was 15 to 17 (with 16 respondents), followed by 3 respondents aged between 18 and 24, and 1 respondent aged between 25 and 34. When choosing who to give my questionnaires to, I decided to hand it out to 17 girls and 3 boys, as the genre I am looking into is R&B, which widely popular around women. This helped me gain more insight into what this demgraphic looks for, without any confusion.

When it came to the third question, the answers I got varied, as I got 2 respondents saying they watch  less than one music video a month, 4 participants saying they watch between 1 and 5 music videos, 3 respondents that watch between 6 and 10, and a significantly higher number of 11 people who claimed they watch more than 10 videos a month. This proved me that I had chosen the rght age group, as they are more likely to watch music videos and engage with the artist.

In my question on where they watch music videos, I gave the options of YouTube, Vevo TV and an open answer for 'other'. While the respondents were allowed to tick as many boxes as they wanted, only 2 said they watch music videos on TV, and 20 claimed that they watched music videos on YouTube (which is a good pointer to any marketing strategies I look into later on). I got one 'other' response, which was instagram (another note I should think about during the process of marketing).

In question 5, I gave the respondents the freedom of naming their favourite music video and its genre, so I can find a pattern in their overall preference. The genre range I recieved contained Rap (with 6 votes), Hip Hop (2), Pop (5), R'n'B (4), Grime (1) and House (1). The videos were by popular artists such as Eminem, Kendrick Lamar, The Weeknd, Childish Gambino, etc. However, one artist was voted 3 times, because of his interesting and unique music videos - Ed Sheeran. This showed me that an interesting narrative attracts more people and makes the video more memorable.

When asked about what music video features appeal the most to them, most of the respndents couldn't choose between their favourites, so they ticked a few boxes. The leding feature was Props and Locations, with 10 votes, followed by Uncertain Ending (8), Appearance of the Artist (5), Happy Ending (4) and Special Effects (3). This will be very helpful when planning the video, as I will be able to focus more on the features appealing to my audience, in order to please them.

My next question was very simple, but more specidic towards the genre I am considering - asking whether the respondent listens to R'n'B music. All of the answers I got were positive, indicating that R'n'B is a very popular genre.

Question 9 was very similar to Question 5, this time focusing specifically on R'n'B, asking the participants to name any interesting R'n'B music videos they ca recall. The response I got featured classic R'n'B artists with interesting videos, such as Rihanna (voted twice), NeYo (All Because of you), Craig David, and some new names such as Pia Mia (Do it Again) and 6lack (Problems). The name that was voted three times was The Weeknd, with his videos for Party Monster, Starboy and The Hills - the interesting and unusual visuals, along with the easy to follow narrative made his videos extremely memoreable for my target audience in a time where music videos are constantly released and forgotten about. This tells me that the visuals in my music video need to be capturing and interesting, but also easy to understand, in order for it to fit the demands of my target audience.

Another open answer question I provided was asking what the audience expects in a R'n'B music video. I got a mixture of answers, which I managed to fit into 8 categories - Interesting locations (4 votes), Dancing (6), Bright Colours (4), Dark Lighting (3), Fast cars, Money and Jewellery (7), Clubs and Girls (2), Interesting narraive (1) and effects (1). This showed me that the most important features to a music video (according to my target audience) are the ones that make the video look more aesthetically pleasing and establish the status of the artist. 

The next question asked the respondents about the style of video they are most likely to watch - narrative, concept and performance. Although some people ticked more than one answer, I was able to find a pattern - the leading answer was Storyline (with 11 votes), followed by Performance (7) and Concept Video (4), proving that narrative is very important in videos nowadays.

Question 11 concerned video locations, asking respondents if they prefer one location or more in a video. The feedback was significantly positive, as 19 participants voted 'More than one Location' and only 2 voted 'One Location'.

When it came to preferences about the location of the video, only one of the respondents couldn't decide between two options, which again did not interfere with the pattern the answers provided. The vast majority prefered watching videos filmed at everyday locations (with 15 votes), 5 respondents chose Studio Videos, and only 2 preferred stadium videos.

Overall, this research gave me more insight into my target audience, as I was able to find patterns in their preferences that will help me when creating my music video, and promoting my artist.


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